Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The difference I see in my clients with Neuromuscular Therapy VS Myofascial Release

Neuromuscular Therapy is really cool, really precise. What I notice is a lot of relief of pain, it's amazing how many muscles are affected by stress- we hold it in the shoulders and the neck, primarily, when it's stress. I notice my clients are very happy with the results, I have a client who says, "When you work on me, I can feel the pain go, there is a point when it goes, and it is relaxing and I am never in pain after the massage", Sometimes, when doing Neuromuscular work, there is discomfort the next day, it depends on many things- when was the client's last massage, what is the client's preference on pressure- this is really important. I have clients who have many trigger points and in applying a lot of pressure to the trigger points, they asked for lighter pressure, and with the lighter pressure pressure, the trigger points released, where if I just used the deep pressure, they would have been uncomfortable, and would not have been able to relax.

With Myofascial Release, it's so gentle, and it's so effective. It has a powerful effect- instead of just simply working with trigger points, Myofascial Release works with the entire body. For example, I have a client who, I. The beginning, had a lot of neck pain. As I held the stretch for Myofascial Release, it referred to my client's shoulders and between the shoulder blades. There was another session in which my client had pain at the sides of the ribs, and it was being referred by the fascia in the neck- there was another time in which my client had pain in the Legs and with Myofascial Release, found that it was being referred from the neck!

I think both techniques are highly beneficial, and I use both on my clients with awesome results! I thank God and I thank my teachers.

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