Friday, December 3, 2010

The Most Rewarding Aspects Of My Practice

I Love Massage Therapy!
Here are The Most Rewarding Aspects Of My Practice:

1. Results- There is nothing better than to know that the client has better range of motion, is more relaxed, is no longer in pain.

2. Conversation- I have found in my practice that there must be conversation with clients- this is integral. I find that talking with my clients and listening to them produces much better results than not talking- we talk and laugh, there is laughter with every session, this increases results!

3. Focus- This is integral as well. I focus on listening to my clients to hear how their day or week or month has been. This is what guides the session.

4. Referrals- It's an honor to have clients refer their friends and family to me. The most amazing thing was when my client's spouse thanked me for helping my client. My client and their spouse are friends
of another client, my client's spouse bought them a massage for their anniversary. My client had been in pain and did not understand what they could do- if anything- to control the pain

that was Interfering with their life. After a few sessions, and talking and listening to the client and then describing how the fascia works and describing how to stretch at home, my client was no longer daunted, and instead was confident. My client's spouse thanked me for
helping my client. This brought tears of gratitude to my eyes.

5. Information- I read Massage Magazine, Massage Today, John Barnes' blogs and much more. If you have a question, please ask and I will give you an answer or refer you to an appropriate medial professional to help you.

6. God- Thank You Father for everything that You have done for me and everything that You are doing for me now. I love You Father, amen.

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