Saturday, December 4, 2010

From The Office- First Session Friday, December 3rd., AWESOME!!!!

My client said that their low back hurt. I started the massage at the low back, and my client and I noticed that their right hip was a bit higher than the left hip. I did Myofascial Release, a leg pull, which is literally as it says, a leg pull, however, it requires training to know what you are waiting for as you are doing the leg pull.
In this case, my client's right leg went over to the left side of the table and up, stretching the quadriceps (the muscles in the front of the leg) and the abdominals. I had to hold the left leg in place on the table so that the client stayed on the table, because the right leg needed to stretch so much.
The left leg was the same as the right, stretching all the way over to the right side of the table, stretching the quadriceps and the abdominals.
My client and I were laughing and talking, and I said to my client that I have been telling people for a long time that I practice massage for stress relief massage therapy. She laughed and said, "Heaven help people who are going to you for stress relief massage therapy, because that is not you. You do deep tissue work, you help people who have been in car accidents, you help people who really need help, you are not a relaxation massage therapist"! And, we were talking and laughing about how, as I was doing toe pulls, one of the client's toes was referring to the client's low back. I said, "Ok, well this makes perfect sense. So, when you are walking, and your foot hits the floor, even though you may feel it in your low back, that is not where it's starting. It's actually starting in your toes". My client laughed and said, "You may think that you know where your pain is coming from, and you don't, ask Aradia, Aradia knows where your pain is coming from"! We laughed and laughed, the session was awesome. Perfect results. No pain. Full range of motion.
For the very last part of the massage, I did a stretch for the client's neck. Perfect. Relaxing. Again, more range of motion, no pain.
Thank you so much for making me that beautiful homeade soap for Christmas! And the beautiful ribbon it was wrapped in! It is gorgeous! Thank you! I am honored and blessed to have such amazing clients. Thank you for helping me as well, to narrow down exactly what you see that I do, because it helps me to be able to talk about what I do more effectively. You are my sounding board. You are my voice. Thank you. God bless you!

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